La Fondation Madeleine-Sanam Foundation (FMSF)

Board Members

Chantal Mukandoli

I am Chantal Mukandoli, originally of Africa Rwanda living in Canada –Toronto for 17 years, I living with HIV for 28 years; I have human science intelligence emotional experience education practice, currently I am working as Peer Ambassador Navigator in HIV self-testing. I am consultant in practice GIPA/MIMEPA principal , I have community experience in HIV Stigma, ART HIV medication, Education for HIV Prevention; I am performer in speaking word for given message about HIV peoples working in AASO as newcomer to Canada without discrimination. I am certify as public speak to educate people special in ACB Community (Francophone, Anglophone) about confronting Anti-Black Racism. I am in Steering Committee Stigma Index at OHTN; Co-Chair ICWNA (International Community of Women Living with HIV in North America, Canada). I am member of ISC (International Steering Committee) I am part of Advisor committee for Ontario Women Working Group at WHAI. I am Advisor Committee board of ViiV for aging ACB community. My other community experience professional, I am trainer to train and supporter to support peoples living with HIV in LGBTQ2+ community in fight stigma and discrimination for mental health. I am coach, mentor in different organization that fight HIV/AIDS and health communication about stigma reduction intervention, sexual reproductive health Prevention (APAA, ACT, BLACK CAP, WHIWH, OASIS, PASSEREL, FRANCOPHONE CENTER, ACTION POSITIVE, FRANCOQUEER, PWA, MAPLE LEAVE CLINIC).

Elizabeth Onyango
Member at Large

Elizabeth is an assistant professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. She is a health geographer and a social epidemiologist whose research work focuses on migration and food security nexus, intersections of gender, gender-based violence, and the associated health outcomes in minority populations. In her current research grogram, Elizabeth is exploring barriers and facilitators of migrant community engagement in social support services including access to food security initiatives and in building alternative masculinities for gender-equal migrant communities. She has extensive experience in working with vulnerable populations both locally and internationally to co-create knowledge and to engage in knowledge mobilization and sharing for transformative social justice.

Joyce Kamanzi

Joyce Kamanzi is a Postdoctoral Fellow working in the Office of Women’s Health Research Chair in Mental Health (OWHC), in the Faculty of Health, York University. Dr. Kamanzi completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada. She has a strong interest in community health, health promotion and disease prevention, and maternal and child health. Her interest expands to childhood illness, HIV/ AIDS, and mother-to-child transmission of HIV during prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods. Her doctoral research focused on exploring the experiences of mothers using the PMTCT program to prevent HIV transmission. She approached her doctoral thesis research from a critical perspective and explored socio-cultural, gender inequalities, political factors, and oppression against HIV positive women that influenced their access to the PMTCT program. Dr. Kamanzi participated in different research projects in relation of vulnerable women in Canada, team intelligence concept, Dementia, accessibility to primary sexual reproductive health care among vulnerable women in Canada, the use of telephone to prevent mental health crises, and peer support youth suicide prevention. Dr. Kamanzi engages in research focusing on HIV and disabilities of people living with HIV, health of young adults with developmental disabilities, quality of life of people living with HIV, radicalized youths’ mental health and identity, child and maternal healthcare, and health system access to immigrants.

Malaïka Ogandaga

Originally from Gabon in Central Africa, Malaïka Ogandaga immigrated to Alberta in 2008 to study at the University of Alberta’s Saint-Jean campus. Malaïka is passionate about literature and enjoys reading and writing in her spare time. Since 2013, she has been working as an Information Services Specialist at the University of Alberta’s Saint-Jean Library. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Alberta, a Master’s degree in Educational Technology, and is also pursuing a PhD in the same field at Université Laval.

Malaïka has always been interested in women’s issues, especially violence against women and girls, their access to education, and their physical and mental health. She has been involved in numerous community organizations dedicated to the development and defense of women’s rights. She has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Madeleine Sanam Foundation since 2023.

Mariama Gueye
Board Member at Large

Mariama has been the Executive Director of the Coalition des femmes de l’Alberta since 2019. She works to develop programs and activities adapted to the needs of francophone women living in minority situations in the province of Alberta.

Born in Dakar, Senegal, she received her post-secondary education in France and then in Canada, where she earned a graduate degree specializing in finance. She worked in Senegal for over 12 years as a treasurer and budget manager in a telecommunications company. Arriving in Alberta in 2018, she discovered the community environment and decided to use her knowledge and skills to advance the cause of francophone women, contribute to the development and success of all women and girls, and fight gender inequality. She also serves on boards and volunteers at tax time. Concerned about her family’s happiness and balance, she organizes family gatherings.

Fatoumata (Fanta)

Fatoumata (Fanta) Ongoiba is currently the Executive Director of Africans in Partnership Against AIDS (APAA), and a leader in the African community. She has worked in a number of capacities related to human rights and humanitarian causes, including as treatment information exchange counselor at CATIE (Canada’s source for information about HIV and hepatitis C) and as a community health promotion worker at the francophone center of Toronto. She is a leader in the African community, works on a few projects challenging prominent issues such as supporting people to speak about sex and sexually transmitted infections, Muslim boys/girls and Imams and HIV, empowering people living with HIV/AIDS, and the sexual exploitation of children. She is currently a PhD candidate on Social Justice Education at OISE, U of T. She considers herself a human rights activist and is particularly concerned with human rights and health for people living with HIV and AIDS.